We provide our customers with consistent quality from our worldwide production locations

We can directly check the material specification, quality and lead times through our own production.

We offer a wide variety of material types and thicknesses to meet a wide range of applications and operational challenges.

The management team


Met uitgebreide ervaring in logistiek, farmaceutica, temperatuurgecontroleerde verpakkingen en passieve bescherming, is ons managementteam hooggekwalificeerd om een ​​efficiënte en responsieve organisatie te runnen die zich toelegt op de behoeften van alle belanghebbenden.



Production materials


Investments are made in factories and infrastructure to manufacture our own thermal insulation packaging materials, enabling control of design, specification, quality and lead times. Checking material specifications, quality and lead times ensures that we can consistently provide high levels of customer service and satisfaction.



Built around global operations


The corporate structure is built around the needs of global cold chain operations. We have established a multi-site thermal packaging company that provides global access to a wide variety of approved and qualified thermal protection solutions used to protect temperature-sensitive cargo.